There is something very odd about all this, that which you can not put your finger on, that which always escapes you, that which is completely elusive ~The Blank~ …seems to be absolutely necessary for there to be anything whatsoever.
~ Alan Watts.
"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."
~ Ludwig Wittgenstein....
Everything must have an opposite and the opposite of life/movement is stillness. Imagine the universe being stilled to potential and accept that because resistance precedes movement the potential of stillness must therefore exist before the universe was born.
Stillness is absolute potential in total equanimity. When resistance appeared the stillness reacted as one thus annihilating the resistance. This was a time/space event – a particle of matter.
Resistance will not be subjected, it cannot be denied and so the particle is compelled to continue repeating until reconciliation.
There is only one particle ever! To examine the particle objectively is to discover that it contains ultimate magnetism: ultimate magnetism is stillness inside out; one side physical the other eternal.
The seat of gravity is the particle and as the particle vibrates it emits gravitational landscapes. Should the landscapes become self-aware the particle will come into view thus reconciling one to the other – forever and eternal.
The Möbius strip demonstrates the inner/outer activity of the particle.
~ Tom Kitt